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GOOF----LE-8-2.0ؙ ]� 4 h�c ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g oop� g goops� � g filenameS� f oop/goops.scm� g importsS� g srfi� g srfi-1� � � g ice-9� g match� � � g util� � � � g exportsS� g define-class� g class� g standard-define-class� g define-generic� g define-accessor� g define-method� g define-extended-generic� g define-extended-generics� !g method� "g is-a?� #g class-of� $g ensure-metaclass� %g ensure-metaclass-with-supers� &g make-class� 'g make-generic� (g ensure-generic� )g make-extended-generic� *g make-accessor� +g ensure-accessor� ,g add-method!� -g class-slot-ref� .g class-slot-set!� /g slot-unbound� 0g slot-missing� 1g slot-definition-name� 2g slot-definition-options� 3g slot-definition-allocation� 4g slot-definition-getter� 5g slot-definition-setter� 6g slot-definition-accessor� 7g slot-definition-init-value� 8g slot-definition-init-form� 9g slot-definition-init-thunk� :g slot-definition-init-keyword� ;g slot-init-function� <g class-slot-definition� =g method-source� >g compute-cpl� ?g compute-std-cpl� @g compute-get-n-set� Ag compute-slots� Bg compute-getter-method� Cg compute-setter-method� Dg allocate-instance� Eg initialize� Fg make-instance� Gg make� Hg no-next-method� Ig no-applicable-method� Jg no-method� Kg change-class� Lg #update-instance-for-different-class� Mg shallow-clone� Ng deep-clone� Og class-redefinition� Pg apply-generic� Qg apply-method� Rg apply-methods� Sg compute-applicable-methods� Tg %compute-applicable-methods� Ug method-more-specific?� Vg sort-applicable-methods� Wg class-subclasses� Xg class-methods� Yg goops-error� Zg min-fixnum� [g max-fixnum� \g instance?� ]g slot-ref-using-class� ^g slot-set-using-class!� _g slot-bound-using-class?� `g slot-exists-using-class?� ag slot-ref� bg slot-set!� cg slot-bound?� dg class-name� eg class-direct-supers� fg class-direct-subclasses� gg class-direct-methods� hg class-direct-slots� ig class-precedence-list� jg class-slots� kg generic-function-name� lg generic-function-methods� mg method-generic-function� ng method-specializers� og method-formals� pg primitive-generic-generic� qg enable-primitive-generic!� rg method-procedure� sg accessor-method-slot-definition� tg slot-exists?� ug find-method� vg get-keyword� w !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstGuv _� xg set-current-module� yx � zx � {g current-module� |g *goops-module*� }g %init-goops-builtins� ~g process-use-modules� ~ � �~ � �g language� �g tree-il� �g primitives� ���� � �g selectS� �g add-interesting-primitive!� �� � �g dispatch� �� � �� � �g make-procedure� �g compute-cmethod� �g error� �� � �� � �f no matching pattern� �g expt� �g scm-error� �g memq� �g assoc� �g <class>� �g dsupersS� �g slotsS� �g nameS� �g gensym� �f metaclass� �g map� �g append-map� �g for-each� �g member� �g append� �g keyword?� �f malformed keyword arguments: ~a� �g kw-do-map� �g make-unbound� �g or-map� �g <object>� �g metaclassS� �g find-duplicate� �f 3make-class: super class ~S is duplicate in class ~S� �f ,make-class: slot ~S is duplicate in class ~S� �g make-syntax-transformer� �� � �� � �g macro� �g $sc-dispatch� �� � �� � �g _� �g any� ����� �g syntax->datum� �� � �� � �g datum->syntax� �� � �� � �f malformed superclass list: ~S� �g take-while� �g find-tail� �g list� �g quote� �g init-formS� �g init-thunkS� �g lambda� �g syntax-violation� �� � �� � �f -source expression failed to match any pattern� �g define-class-pre-definition� �g each-any� ��nj� ��Ȍ� ��nj� ��ʌ� �nj� ��̌� �g syntax-object� �g begin� �g top� �� � �g ribcage� �g out� �� � �� � �f l-bdc1916-ed� �� � ����� � �� � �g x� �� � �f l-bdc1916-d0� �� � ����� � ����� � �g hygiene� �� � ����� � �g getterS� �g setterS� �g key� �� � �g m-bdc1916-e3� ��� � �� � �f l-bdc1916-e4� �� � ����� � �g k� �g arg� �g rest� ����� � ����� � �f l-bdc1916-db� �f l-bdc1916-dc� �f l-bdc1916-dd� �f l-bdc1916-de� ����� � ����� � ������� � ����� � �� � �� � �g if� ����� � �g or� ����� � g not�� �� �g defined?���� ����� ��"�� �g <generic>���� � � g toplevel-define!� � �� ��(�� ���� � �g accessorS�g <accessor>���� � ��+�� �g define-class-pre-definitions�f l-bdc1916-f4� ���� �f l-bdc1916-f1� ���� ��� ���� ��nj����nj���� g slotname�!g slotopt�" !�� �#f l-bdc1916-115�$f l-bdc1916-116�%f l-bdc1916-117�&f l-bdc1916-118�'#$%& �(�"�' �)�(� �*�)� �+��)� �,g identifier?�-g slot�.-�� �/��� �0f l-bdc1916-10c�1f l-bdc1916-10d�2f l-bdc1916-10e�3012 �4�./3 �5�4� �6�5� �7f l-bdc1916-fe�8f l-bdc1916-ff�9f l-bdc1916-100�:789 �;�./: �<�;� �=��<� �>�Ɍ�?g dummy�@g name�Ag supers�B?@A- �Cg m-bdc1916-121�DC� �ED��� �Ff l-bdc1916-126�Gf l-bdc1916-127�Hf l-bdc1916-128�If l-bdc1916-129�JFGHI �K�BEJ �LD �Mf l-bdc1916-123�NM �O��LN �P�K�O �Q��P� �R�P� �S��P� �Tg and�U�TP� �V�P� �W��P� �X�"P� �Y��P� �ZY �[��P� �\��P� �]�iP� �^�OP� �_�P� �`��P� �a� P� �b?� �cg m-bdc1916-132�dc� �ed� �ff l-bdc1916-137�gf l-bdc1916-138�hfg �i�beh �jd �kf l-bdc1916-134�lk �m��jl �n�i�m �o�n� �pf bad generic function name: ~S�qg define�r �s �tg prefixS�ug symbol-append�vf no prefixes supplied�wg <generic-with-setter>�xg make-setter-name�yg setter�zg <extended-generic-with-setter>�{g extendsS�|g <extended-generic>�}g extended-by!�~g extended-by�g invalidate-method-cache!��g delq!��g not-extended-by!��g procedure-with-setter?��g defaultS��g procedure��g procedure?��g generic-capability?���� ��?@ ��g m-bdc1916-19d���� ���� ��f l-bdc1916-1a2��f l-bdc1916-1a3���� ������ ��� ��f l-bdc1916-19f��� ������ ������ ���q�� ��g cond������ ��� �� ����� ������ ���+�� ����� ���"�� ����� ��� ���G�� ������ ��g else������ ��g string->symbol��g string-append��f setter:��g symbol->string��g upgrade-accessor��g methods��g extended-byS��g extends��g generic-function��g module-define!��g free-id��g m-bdc1916-1c5���� ��� ��f l-bdc1916-1c7��� ������ ����� ���y�� ���� ���� ��������nj�������g args��g body��?@�� ������ ��f l-bdc1916-1ca��f l-bdc1916-1cb��f l-bdc1916-1cc��f l-bdc1916-1cd������ ������ ������ ������ ������ ������ 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procedureS������ ��g for-each*��g direct-methods��g add-method-in-classes!��g delv!��g remove-method-in-classes!��g compute-new-list-of-methods��g length*��g method-n-specializers��g fold��g max��g calculate-n-specialized��g %invalidate-method-cache!��g n-specialized��g gf��g m���� ���� ��b��� ���� ����� ��b��� ��� ���� ��g *unspecified*������� ��g internal-add-method!��g <procedure>��g proc���� ���� ��q� ��,�� ����� ��2 ������ ��� ��g <primitive-generic>��g pg���� ��p� ��,�� ��� ��g obj���� ��f "~S is not a valid generic function��Y�� ��� ��� ��g let*��g spec��g map*��� ��a�� ���d� ���� ��g src��g procedure-source���� ��a�� ���� ���� ���� ��g cadr���� ���� ��g cddr���� ���� ���� ��g cons���! ������ ����� ����� ��W�� ��T�� ����� ��� ��� ��a�� ��� ��g car��g cdr��g allocationS��g instanceS��g init-valueS� g init-keywordS�g assq�g getters-n-setters�g slot-definition�g equal?�g g-equal?�g y�� �g set-primitive-generic!� g display� g number->string�g object-address�g display-address� g write�g o�g file� �f #<instance � � � > � �g write-object�# � � ��@ �c �f #<� �d � � �!� �"�!� �#W" �$# �% �&g meta�'# �(&' �)( �*c& �+T* �,d& �- , �. �/�- . �0�+/� �1W)0 �21 �3� �4#� �5&4 �65 �7c�� �8T*7 �9k� �:@9 �;: �< @ �=� < �>�@= �?W;> �@f (�A @ �Bg length�Cl� �DBC �E D �Ff )>�G F �H�-?AEG �I�8H� �JW6I �KJ �L& �ML �Nc� �OT*N �P� �Qc� �Ra� �S�QR� �T�PS �Un �V�TU �W V �X�- W �Y�OX� �ZWMY �[Z �\ �]\ �^g merge-generics�_g <module>�`g <symbol>�ag module�bg int1�cg val1�dg int2�eg val2�fg var�gg val�ha@bcdefg �ig <boolean>�jg eq?�kjce �l k �mg make-variable�n�ec �o)n@ �pmo �qTlp �rq �sa@bcdef� �t�� �ua�t �v�eu �w v �x�eu �y�ex �zb�ty �{�~ �|ae{ �}��| �~��} �be{~ ���z�f ��Tw� ��� ��g duplicate-handlers��g merge-accessors��^a@bcdefg ��� ��g slots��g classS��g each-subclassS���� ��g class-slot-g-n-s��g unbound?��g c��g s���� ��f !Slot `~S' is unbound in object ~S��Y�� ��� ���� ��f Slot `~S' is unbound in class ~S��Y��� ��� �� ��f Unbound slot in object ~S��Y� ��� ��f #No slot with name `~S' in object ~S��Y�� ��� ��f (No class slot with name `~S' in class ~S��Y��� ��� ��g value����� ��0�� ��� ���� ��f 0No next method when calling ~S with arguments ~S��Y��� ��� ��f &No applicable method for ~S in call ~S���9� ��Y��� ��� ��f No method defined for ~S��Y�� ��� ��g self��� ��g clone��g %allocate-instance��#� ��� ����� ���� ��j� ���1� ���� ���� ��- ��c�- ��a�- ��b�-� ����� ����� ����� ��W��� ��� ���� ��� ��\� ��N� ������ ��W�� ��b�-� ����� ����� ����� ��W��� ��� ��g old��g new���� ��g remove-class-accessors!���� ��g� ���� ��� ��g update-direct-method!������ ����� ����� ���� ��g� ����� ��b��� ��W��� ��g set-car!��g cpl���� ��a�� ����� ��� ��g direct-subclasses���� ��f� ����� ��b��� ����� ��e� ����� ����� ����� ��b��� ����� ��e� ����� ��g %modify-class����� ��g update-direct-subclass!������ ����� ��f� ����� ��g redefined���� ��b��� � g %invalidate-class� � ���������� �g <accessor-method>�"� �a�� �� � �g delq1!� a�� � � �b�� ��� � W� �� ��� �g� �� � ���� �g loop�g l�n� � � �g pair?� �g eqv?�� �� ��� �� � � �! �"�! �#�" �$W# �%$ �&��� �'e� �(h� �)d� �*#� �+&'(�)�* �,O�+ �-, �.g compute-slot-accessors�/g g-n-s�0/ �1g init-thunk�2�/ �312 �4�/ �5/4 �635 �7� �8/ �9g make-generic-bound-check-getter�:�/ �;9: �<8; �=g standard-get�>=/ �?1> �@g bound-check-get�A@/ �B�A �C�<?B �Dg slot-definitionS�EG�7�CD/ �FW6E �GF �H� �Ig standard-set�JI/ �K�82J �LG�H�KD/ �MW6L �NM �Og assert-bound�Pg num-standard-pre-cache�Qg define-standard-accessor-method�Rg cache�Sg vector�Tg struct-ref�Ug struct-set!�Vg iota�Wg n�XW �Yg <�Zg vector-ref�[ZRW �\g nfields�]g integer?�^f -Bad getter and setter for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S�_f *Bad getter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S�`f *Bad setter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S�af /Class-allocated slots should not reserve fields�bg thunk?�cf &Bad init-thunk for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S�dg compute-getters-n-setters�e �f?e �gf �hg filter�ig only-non-null�jg merge-lists�kg every�lg reverse!�mf *merge-lists: Inconsistent precedence graph�ng top-sort�og build-transitive-closure�pg build-constraints�qg std-tie-breaker�rg compute-clos-cpl�sf top-sort: Invalid constraints�tf std-tie-breaker: Nothing valid�u� �vg class-slot-init-value�wv �xg thunk�y9� �zxy �{z �|x �}7� �~�x|} �W{~ ��qw ��g case��3� ��� ��g already-allocated���\ ��a� ���� ��� ��g +���� ��b�� ��W��� ���� ��� ��1� ��@� ��� ��h ���1� ���@� ��g make-closure-variable���w ��i ���� ��� ��� ��g r��� ��a� ���@� ���� ��� ���� �����! ��W�� ��W�� ������ ��W�� ���� ��� ���� ��g virtualS��� ��g get��g slot-refS��2� ��v�� ���� ��g set��g slot-set!S��v�� ���� ���� ��T�� �� � ��f 4You must supply a #:slot-ref and a #:slot-set! in ~S��Y�� ����� ����� ��W��� ���� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ��f Allocation "~S" is unknown��Y�� ��� ��g %compute-slots��� ��� ��g object��g initargs���� ��g %initialize-object����� ��� ��� ��g dslots��v��� ���� ��v��� ��A� ���� ��g ???���� ��v��� ��b� ��g direct-supers���� ��b�A ��g direct-slots���� ��b�� ��b�� ��b�� ��> ��b�� ��b� ��A ���� ��� ���� ��b�� ��b� ��d� ��b�� ��.� ��W����� ��� ��a�� ���� ��b��� ����� ����A ��g %prep-layout!��� ��g %inherit-magic!���A ��W������������ ���� ��g initialize-object-procedure��g <applicable-struct>��g applicable-struct���� ����� ���� � g generic� � �g previous-definition�v�� � �v�� �@ � �"� � ^� � !� �� ��� � b � �g set-procedure-property!� @ ��@ �W� � � �g gws�� �g %set-object-setter!�v�� � �� �g eg�� �v{�� �bt �� �g dummy-procedure� !� �!g generic-functionS�"v!� �#b!�" �$v��� �%b!�$ �&v�� �'b!�& �(v��� �)b!�( �*�� �+v��� �,b!*+ �-�� �.v�� �/b!-. �0�#%'),/ �1g %modify-instance�2g change-object-class�3g old-instance�4g new-instance�534 �64 �7g new-class�837 �9#3 �:2397 �;: �<�� �=< �>Ɍ�?g instance�@D� �A?@ �BA �CE?� �DWBC? �ED �F[ �GJ�� �H�FG �IS�� �J�I �KJ �LV��� �MR�L� �NI�� �O��MN �PWKO �QHP �Rg %%compute-applicable-methods�ST�� �TS �U��� �Vg targs�W�#� �XVW �YX �Zg sort�[g m1�\g m2�][\ �^U[\V �_�]^ �`Z�_ �aWY` �ba �c# �d# �e[\V �fg %method-more-specific?�gf[\V �hg �ig build-next�j��i� �k�� �lrk �m�� �nim� �o^ln� �po �qg <list>�r�� �sg letrec�tg next�ug procs�vu� �wg new-args�xg a�y[w �z�y�w �{xz �|{ �}[u �~H�x �Q�utx ���}~ ��W|� ���w� ���v� ��t� ��� ��Q�t� ��s�� ��� ��g system-procedure��g list2set��g mapappend��g %goops-loaded�C 5 h�" ]4 w5 4z > "